Monday, July 26, 2010

e-mail July 26, 2010

Dear all,

Well, it was a good week. It started off being their day of revolution on Monday. We cam into town in a taxi, but when we went to go back to San Ramon, all the busses where at a bbig rally in Managua for the Sandinista rally. So, there were no buses and only one taxi working. There were about 30 people waiting for the one taxi. anyway, we ended up having to sleep at the house of some other missionaries. Then, president Arredondo came on tuesday. His nephew was actually my tutor in the MTC. Small world. I really like him. I don´t lke macheting people. I think people react better to leading by exmple and love rather than by scorn and machete. I think he is the same way. We had interviews and that was really cool. It was the first time I´ve actualy been able to have an interview. That was the biggest thing that happened. Nothing really happened this week. I´ve been sick a lot this week again. I did have a request to tell about some of our members. We have about 10 active members. There is Fatima and her two daughters who i told about in my Q and A. There is Guiermina and her sister Patricia. They are both about 50. Almost all their family are members. They are the only active ondes. Patricia is a nurse here, not that that means much. I was sick one day and so they went out and got me some alcaselser stuff and two lemons. they told me the name of some pastillas, pills ot go buy and take, but I never did., Their cure for everything is an injection and lemon juice. So I was sick from wednesday till about yesterday. I had a little "accident" yesterday again. I was praying in the morning and what I thought was going to be air wasn´t. Now, stop laughting. You think it shouldn´t be that hard to know the difference and now have to change your pants. It is just different here. You never have to worry about it in the states. You bowels just work differently here. We did start this cool thing where we are trying to read the whole book of Mosiah with the members in a month. We are reading one chapter with them in the church each night and then they have to read one chapter by themselves in their house. We thought this would be a good idea to do to help them form the habbit of reading the scriptures every day and to help them form a testimony of the Book of Mormon. It is going really well. They are actually enjoying it and we are way ahead of schedule. Well, that´s about it for this week . Things are going well. O, the big news is, though, is that they are really thinking about closing down our branch. There has been some rumors flying around and the office called us for some numbers and how much we pay for rent and things like that. So we will see what happens. Keeps sending letters! At least when the mail does finally come, I can have some letters. Thank you for your emails. It was great to see everyone´s pictures form the week. Emily, your kids are so cute and it looks like you guys had fun. What does everyone else think about my mother´s hair?? Does it make her look more like a grandma or less?? I think that´s it. I love you all. The work is true and we are working hard. I´m trying to keep my comp going. He only has 3 weeks left. We will see if we get any baptisms before that. the chrurch is true.

With love,
Elder Ashby

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